by admin | May 13, 2022 | Thanks for visiting Wow Studios
Today I want to talk about tone of voice (TOV). TOV is all about how you convey your messages to your customers. It’s in the wording, the punctuation, and even in the length of the sentences and how they flow. The way you converse with your customers has a very strong...
by admin | May 4, 2022 | Thanks for visiting Wow Studios
People connect with stories and every business has a brand story. Since the beginning of time we have communicated in stories. From cavemen drawings to campfire legends, storytelling has a revered and powerful place in society. If you can tap into that long standing...
by admin | Apr 27, 2022 | Thanks for visiting Wow Studios
What’s a brand persona I hear you ask? It’s a literal depiction of your brand as a person. Listing all their characteristics such as likes and dislikes, motivations, age, location and even their social media habits. When we delve deep into who are target audience and...
by admin | Apr 12, 2022 | Thanks for visiting Wow Studios
Colour Psychology is a vital key in branding. You might think the colour you choose to represent your brand just needs to be appealing to the eye, right? Wrong, your brand colours tell the viewer a lot more about your brand than you might realise. Today we are going...
by admin | Mar 29, 2022 | Thanks for visiting Wow Studios
In Australia, Small business accounts for 95% of the total number of businesses in the country (Small Business Loans Australia). That’s a lot of competitors! If you want to stand out from your competition and catch the eye of your target audience here are my three...