“A brand is no longer hat we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumerst ell each other it is.”
Scott Cook
Welcome to September! It’s been a busy but productive month here at Wow and it feels like the year really is just flying by.
This month we are going to talk about word-of-mouth marketing. When you are able to leverage your customers positive experiences and get them marketing for you, sales follow! It’s all about creating brand awareness and trust with your audience.
There is no better referral source than a happy customer!
Warmly, Alysha
Owner, Wow Studios
Exciting News – Corporate Brand Workshops
Let’s Talk Branding – Word-of-mouth strategies that work!
Upcoming Workshops – Tell us what you want to learn.
Past Stories – More blogs about branding.
Client Spotlight – Met Dawn, from Marmalade Money.
Feel Inspired – Tesla – $0 marketing strategy.

One of the things keeping us busy of late has been a series of corporate branding workshops we have been running for one of our clients. We brought together a group of 16 amazing men and women from across the globe to assist in the rebranding process. From understanding their competitors and target audience to word-of-mouth marketing, redeveloping their brand heart and marketing messages, it was an amazing three weeks of high energy, enthusiasm and lots of learning!
Here at Wow, we love to share our knowledge to help others grow and succeed and this was no exception. Every person in the room was part of the larger business but also a small independent business owner and that made it extra special.
Here are some of the comments we received once it was all done and dusted!
Thank you! This is so good, helpful, needed and I am very grateful to be part of it!
You have given us so many things to think about and challenging us to get thinking in ways we didn’t know we needed to!! How exciting!
Alysha, fantastic delivery of what is to me a complex subject. You made it extremely easy to understand, comprehend and engage in. Thank you and well done.
Thanks so much to everyone involved for bringing such amazing energy into the room for every session. It was truly a pleasure to work with each of you!

Simple steps you can take.
Word of mouth/referral marketing is when someone who isn’t directly affiliated with your company talks about your business or recommends your services to other people.
In other words, they do your advertising for you!
If you do it well, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get results, but it does take time, creativity and passion.
You have probably told a friend about your favourite restaurant or a great new bar you recently visited. These chats with friends are what make word-of-mouth marketing so powerful. And it’s not just water cooler chats that count, word-of-mouth marketing comes in many forms; one of the most common is social media.
We trust heavily in the opinion of our friends and family so when you see a post from someone you know talking about the amazing experience they had with a business you usually file that away for future reference. Whilst we may not need that service right now, when we do, the seed has already been planted!
So how do you get people talking about you I hear you ask? It’s actually really simple and common sense but sometimes we just need a reminder!
Word-of-mouth strategies that work!
Provide amazing products and services
Customers will only talk about their experience if it was exceptional. Always fulfil your promises, respond quickly and always be polite and friendly no matter the scenario.
It’s the little things…
Take the time to learn people’s names, give praise, say please and thank you, and go out of your way to assist them when you can.
Always respond to complaints
Even if it’s a random blog that with minimal subscribers, always reply politely, and in a timely fashion. It shows you care about feedback.
Have regular touch points
Keep yourself and your business front of mind with the customer. Consistency is key. If you rely on social media, you need to post frequently and with variety.
Think outside the box
Doing things your customers don’t expect and things your competition aren’t doing stands out. Don’t be afraid to try new things.
Get Personal
Don’t hide behind your posts, be part of them. You will make better connections if you put yourself out there.
Share your knowledge
Become a thought leader and an expert in your field. It will build your reputation.
Publicise any publicity
If you get quoted, win an award, guest star on a podcast, etc. share it with the world.
Get involved in your community
Give back to your community by using your skills for goo. Not only is it rewarding, if you do it well, you’re generating more success stories and advocates for your business.
And as I always say, keep your target audience front of mind! Make sure you’re using the right language, visuals and messaging to connect with your audience. If they feel connected to your business, they are much more likely to want to share their great experiences! Give it a try, word-of-mouth marketing is a surefire way to boost sales and build a loyal customer base.
Coming soon:
What hot topic would you like to learn about? We would love to hear what you want to know! info@wowstudios.com.au
Leveraging off the success of past sales and the favourable experiences of your customers builds trust with your audience, enhances your online presence and creates positive engagement with your community.
Most advertising, good and bad, happens when people are going about their daily business. It pops up when you surf the web, catches your eye on a billboard as you walk down the street and appears as you absentmindedly flip through the pages of a magazine while you wait for your coffee. It’s everywhere!

It’s been a while now since I worked with Dawn on her brand for Marmalade Money, so I reached out to see how it’s all been going and it’s amazing to hear she is kicking goals and really getting herself out there!
If you are in need of a little help with lending, reach out to Dawn. You won’t regret it! She makes it simple and works with you to ensure you get the right soluton for your individual needs.
Tell us a little about your business?
At Marmalade Money, we guide our clients through the often complex world of lending. Much like Marmalade, with its over three hundred recipes, the arrangement of residential, commercial, asset, equipment, and business finance can take on various formats and solutions tailored to suit our clients’ unique circumstances. We emphasize the importance of truly understanding each customer’s needs and guiding them through the myriad of options available to find the best solution.
Why did you setup your business?
After being made redundant twice, I realized it was time to take control of my own destiny. I had always wanted to run my own business, so I decided to step away from the PAYG life and back myself. It’s been the best decision I’ve ever made.
What makes your business different?
We take a holistic approach to finance, covering everything from mortgage broking to specialised finance solutions. As a Finance Specialist, I’m not just focused on one area; I handle a broad spectrum that includes residential mortgages, commercial lending, and asset finance. This broad expertise allows us to offer customised solutions that meet our clients’ needs. Additionally, I host a segment on Hawkesbury Radio Pulse89.9FM, where I share insights on finance, and I also mentor others in the industry.
The key difference between a Mortgage Broker and a Finance Broker lies in their focus. A Mortgage Broker specializes in helping clients secure home loans, while a Finance Broker has a broader scope, covering everything from business loans to equipment finance, making us especially versatile in the specialist sector.
What brought you to Wow?
Alysha is a personal friend whom I’ve admired for years. Watching her career and personal journey unfold, I knew I could trust her and WOW to provide a product that’s not only high-quality but also timeless.
What was the collaboration process like?
It’s been an amazing experience. Alysha takes the time to truly understand your personal preferences and the brief, ensuring that the final product aligns perfectly with your vision.
Any last words?
I can’t recommend WOW Studio enough. I always feel confident referring others to them because I know they’ll receive the exceptional service they’re looking for.


Word-of-mouth marketing really is a powerful tool… take it from Tesla who rely predominately on a word-of-mouth marketing strategy. This great article from marketingstrategy.com talks you through how they have made it work!