People connect with stories and every business has a brand story. Since the beginning of time we have communicated in stories. From cavemen drawings to campfire legends, storytelling has a revered and powerful place in society. If you can tap into that long standing tradition and engage your audience you can create an authentic and memorable connection with your customer.

Every business has a story to tell. It starts with how or why they founded the company, what they stand for and believe in beyond just making a profit, what drives them, where they want to go. In 2019, Stackla undertook a survey in which 86% of consumers said authenticity was a key factor in deciding which brands they would support. That figure today has only increased and when your customer becomes invested in your brand, trust and loyalty follow.

So how do you write your brand story? Here are a few tips.

Brainstorm your past, present and future. Start at the beginning. Why was the business started? Are there any fun anecdotes or crazy stories about the early years? What are the noteworthy milestones and where is the brand headed?

Think about why your brand exists. Look beyond making money, you need to delve deeper. What does your brand stand for and what do you value? Are you pioneers of new trends, champions for those without a voice, do you offer products or services that make the world a better place? What role do you play in your customer’s life? Are you making them more effective at their job or helping simplify life at home? Do you entertain, teach or keep them strong and healthy?

Identify who you’re talking to. You need to know who they are and what matters to them if you want your story to resonate. What are their values and why do they choose you? What motivates them to purchase? Who are they? What tone of voice will they appreciate? Which of your values align with theirs?

Write your story but keep it short and simple. Remember people connect with people, not companies. Make your company the hero of your story. Be true, authentic and honest and make sure your story is rooted in your company’s purpose. Your story should answer the question why does your brand exist.

Break it down into three parts.

  1. Identify the problem your company set out to solve.
  2. Describe how your company solved it.
  3. Share the impact of that success.

When you get it right your story will build a connection with your customer. It will tell your customers we understand your needs, we relate and we are to help. Your story will build trust but only as long as its truthful and the foundation of your customers experience and interaction’s with your brand.

Share your story in the comments, I would love to hear it!