In Australia, Small business accounts for 95% of the total number of businesses in the country (Small Business Loans Australia). That’s a lot of competitors! If you want to stand out from your competition and catch the eye of your target audience here are my three brand advice tips.
- Be Authentic. As a small business we rarely rely on a low pricing strategy for return business. Cultivating relationships, building rapport and doing a great job is the best way to keep your customers coming back. We are all human, and as humans we know when someone is being genuine, we know when someone is being ‘real’ with us. Your greatest advantage as a small business owner dealing direct with your customers is authenticity. If you’re genuine and honest you will build deeper and more meaningful connections with your audience.
- Be Consistent. If you have read any of my other blogs you will know this is one I talk about all the time. Consistency is the key to brand recognition. Your logo, tone of voice, colour palette, fonts and other visual components of your brand need to be used consistently for your advertising to be effective. 95% of purchasing decisions are subconscious according to Gerald Zaltman, Harvard Professor. A unified approach across all your social media and advertising platforms ensures your brand remains front of mind and instantly recognisable.
- Find your strength. In order to stand out from the crowd your brand needs a point of difference. Give your customers a compelling reason to choose you over your competitor. Do your research. What is your competition doing really well and what are the areas haven’t mastered? If you can capitalise on your competitor’s weaknesses by offering a service that meets those needs convincingly you’re giving them a very persuasive reason to choose you. Just remember to stay true to your core values. Your strength lies in offering only what you wholeheartedly believe in.
Build these foundations into your brand right from the start and watch your business flourish. If you’re already established it’s never too late to start, adjust your strategy and in no time the results will follow.