These days’ consumers are bombarded with so much choice it can be hard to break through the clutter and stand out. With so much information at their fingertips consumers are also becoming savvier and often make purchase decisions not only based on the product but also what the brand behind the product stands for.
One survey showed that 81% of consumers said that they need to be able to trust the brand in order to buy from them (Edelman, 2019). This was true across different global markets, ages and income groups.
So how do you get your consumers to trust you?
Tell your story.
What is it about your brand that is different from your competitors? Is there a great story in how your company got started? Are you an advocate for the environment or passionate about a social cause? 64% of consumers around the world said they would buy from a brand or boycott it solely because of its position on a social or political issue (Edelman, 2019).
Consumers want more than just a product they want to know they are supporting the greater good. Associate your brand with a cause you truly believe in and your consumers will love you for it. However don’t pretend, stay realistic and transparent. Keep your story honest and back it up by taking real action. Not only does it give your brand personality, it will engage your audience and create a narrative you can use to stand out against your competition.
Have you thought about your brand story? Share in the comments. What sets your business apart?