Thanks to Covid, QR codes are now a normal part of society and everyone knows how to use them. But does that make them a good idea for your business card and marketing materials?

The answer is YES. Here are a couple of reasons why this technology lives on in a post pandemic world and is a must for your small business.

QR codes give you flexibility

Even if your details change, your QR code can be updated. This ensures that even if a customer received your card years ago and you have since moved offices, they will still be able to get your most up to date information.

QR codes allow you to share more information

Your QR code can be linked to a wide variety of locations. It could be a direct link to add your phone number to the user’s phone, show examples of your work or perhaps a link to your website. Your QR code gives the user instant access allowing you to provide more information about your organisation or business while they are engaged. You could also link it to your Google reviews to showcase your reputation in the industry or share a free resource. Whatever you chose to use the QR code for, it’s a valuable resource, just make sure you have a purpose that makes sense.

A word of warning, however, make sure you keep your content on the QR code link up to date. If the link breaks or becomes out of date, then it isn’t much use and defeats the purpose of why you created it.

QR codes are simple to setup and easy to use so why not incorporate them into your marketing. If you are already using them, how are you using them? Share your comments and let’s inspire each other!