Even the best brands recognise that over time logo’s can become outdated. It may seem scary to take the leap but if you do it right the impact can be instant and profitable. If you’re questioning if it’s time for your business to do a refresh or logo redesign, read on.
No matter your size, the right logo builds brand recognition trust and credibility with your audience so it’s vital to keep it up to date. But how do you know when it’s time. If you read through this list and agree with any of them, it’s probably time to take the plunge.
Just like fashions, logo trends & tastes change over time. What was cool ten years ago probably isn’t today. If your logo looks like you just stepped out of a time machine, perception of your business will be that you are out of touch.
As technology evolves the way we use our logo also changes. Now more than ever you need a highly adaptable logo. It should be simple and easily recognisable with a number of simplified variations. If your logo is complex and cannot be broken down to be easily readable on small screens and in those little social media circles your going to struggle in today’s digital world.
Businesses evolve, grow, shift markets, gain new audiences and even change values over time. As a result your logo might not be representing your business in the best light anymore, and if you have a new audience you may find it tough to connect with them if there is a mismatch.
Perhaps when you were starting out you purchased a cookie cutter design or over time new businesses have entered the market with similar brand colours or a design that looks a lot like yours. The purpose of your logo is customer brand recognition, if your brand is being diluted by the competition than its time for a change.
Over time industries shift and change and businesses often rebrand around the same time as their competitors to keep their competitive advantage. If your competition is updating and you don’t, you may appear out of touch or unwilling to move forward with the times. Consumers want to feel they are dealing with a business at the top of their game.
Whilst that may have helped you save money at the beginning when every cent mattered A home designed logo will never have the polished look of a professional one and won’t resonate with your audience. Consumers today are very savvy and they can tell. A home designed logo can make you look cheap and inferior to other brands. There is more to a logo than just a pretty design. It needs to showcase your core values and connect with your target audience. Investing in a professional logo is well worth the investment.
So how do you upgrade your logo without losing your customer base? A good designer will keep the essence of your brand alive and preserve your brand history. You don’t need to change your look completely to shake things up. Minimal changes or tweaks can often give you a new, modern look whilst retaining what you love about the logo you have.
Here’s a few famous examples to give you some inspiration.

Redesigning your logo isn’t a decision to be taken lightly but it is definitely worth the investment. Consumers expect sleek, modern designs that work seamlessly across all aspects of digital marketing and anything less could be impacting your business. Take your time, do your research, find a designer you trust and then embrace the journey.