Creativity is often viewed as an unattainable trait that some people are just lucky enough to be born with, but that couldn’t be future from the truth. Creativity is a trait that can be cultivated in everyone.

In a business sense, creativity is the process of generating new ideas. Whilst challenging, anyone can come up with a great idea. There is no one method or tried and true way to generate new business ideas but some are easier than others. Here are a few tips to get your creative juices flowing.

  • Define the problem. Think about it from different angles. Rather than tackling the issue front on, think about other ways you might be able to impact change. Perhaps rather than sending out another memo about what your staff are doing wrong you could organize a team training session or a team building day where you all brainstorm together how things could be done differently
  • Challenge your assumptions. Don’t just assume something is a bad idea because no one has ever done it before or because it’s been done badly in the past. Spend some time thinking through the idea. If it’s been done before, what was great about it? Where did the idea fall down? What other ways might you be able to reinvent it with a new twist?
  • Change your mindset. Rather than seeing problems, think about them as potential upgrades. Instead of obstacles, tackle them as opportunities. Often when we turn our thinking from negative to positive ideas start flowing.
  • Get inspired. Put aside some time to let your creative juices flow. Go for a walk in nature, take yourself down the rabbit hole on pinterest, go see an exhibition, read a good book or take a long, hot shower. When you give yourself permission to relax and unwind and let the stresses of the day melt away you allow your mind to wander. I’m sure you have heard many people say they get their best ideas in the shower, it’s often true.

Give it a go, you might surprise yourself! Then let me know in the comments, what creative idea you came up with!